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 A warm and affectionate welcome to all the learners aspiring for higher education at their convenient time and space at SKKM, Kadi, Gujarat, India. It is well said that “our ability to transform lives and society underpins who we are and what we do”. Being an academic and administrative representative of an eponymous University, SKKM is a transformative journey, both personally and professionally.

  We at our University, endeavour to do justice to philosophy of education. It is our conviction, determination and motto to provide ‘Education for All’. Conscious efforts have been initiated towards University’s vision and mission, which is that of community development of all the strata of society, either from periphery or center; by providing inclusive, open, distance and flexible higher education. Innovative and global best practices are adopted to positively transform the teaching-learning pedagogy, skill-development of students, promotion of languages, arts and culture, provision of holistic environment and the changing scenario of higher education in upcoming days with the implementation of National Education Policy 2020.

  We are launching new skill-oriented, technological and humanities oriented courses; we have introduced credit transfer, flexible entry-exit for students, on-demand exam; adopted green practices on campus; and best practices in administration. Societal welfare is also sought through adoption of villages, establishing ‘Atri’ Special Learner Support Centre for imparting education to sex-workers, transgenders, HIV/AIDS positive persons, physically challenged persons; sponsoring the education of wives and children of army martyrs; and more.

  I feel privileged to be a part of this wave of change in Open and Distance Learning system. We as a team strive for providing quality education and bringing positive difference in the lives of all the stakeholders in the purview of. I express my gratitude to the State Government authorities and officials, Governing Bodies of the University, for their support and guidance in achieving the goals of the University.

  It is our commitment to achieve newer milestones and create ‘Naya Bharat’ for our present and future generations. I wish all the success to each and every individual.

Best Wishes,
Prof. Mahesh patel